Raising Einstein

Discovering the Full Developmental Potential of Children


Genius Burnout

When teaching your child, keep the principle of “genius burnout” in mind. Genius burnout occurs when a highly intelligent or talented person gets overwhelmed by the pressures of his or her gift.

For the learning process to be effective, it cannot be stressful. If a child is placed under large amounts of stress for long periods of time, the child may eventually rebel against education. To keep your child interested in learning, make certain the process remains fun and positive.

Your child should see education as recreation. Always attempt to keep learning as interesting as possible by keeping it playful and interactive. If your child shows resistance to your teaching methods, ease up and give the child a break. Experiment with different techniques until you find something that your child finds enjoyable. Once you tap into your child’s interests, the learning process will be exciting and productive for both you and your child.

Remember, it is always easiest to learn when you are having too much fun to realize that you are getting an education.

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