Raising Einstein

Discovering the Full Developmental Potential of Children


VeggieTales: Hilarious Entertainment with Values

Big Idea Inc. produces the highly popular VeggieTales collection of toys, music, books, apparel, and educational products; however, the company is best known for its series of VeggieTales DVDs.

The VeggieTales DVDs are excellent, but what really makes them stand out is their focus on moral values. Each Veggie Tale DVD contains valuable lessons in being a good person. These Christian-themed videos address issues such as honestly, respecting parents, sharing, kindness, etc.

VeggieTales DVDs feature a lot of fun and catchy songs (“Silly Songs”) that kids love. The characters such as Larry and Bob are very engaging, funny, and memorable. As an added bonus, the VeggieTales scripts are intelligently written, so even adults can enjoy some of the subtle humor that is certain to fly over the heads of most children.

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